Source code for cosmogrb.instruments.gbm.gbm_orbit

import numpy as np
from gbmgeometry import PositionInterpolator
from cosmogrb.utils.package_utils import get_path_of_data_file

from cosmogrb import cosmogrb_config

import coloredlogs, logging
import cosmogrb.utils.logging

logger = logging.getLogger("cosmogrb.gbm.gbm_orbit")

[docs]class GBMOrbit(object): _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: logger.debug("i'm creating a new instance! should only happen once") cls._instance = super(GBMOrbit, cls).__new__(cls) # put any initialization here. return cls._instance def __init__(self): self._minimum_met = 576201540.940077 self._maximum_time = 86519.99999904633 self._T0 = self._minimum_met self._used_times = [] logger.debug("Setting up the GBM orbit") self._interpolator = PositionInterpolator.from_poshist_hdf5( get_path_of_data_file("posthist.h5"), T0=self._T0 ) self._tmin, self._tmax = self._interpolator.minmax_time() self._delta_time = self._tmax - self._tmin @property def position_interpolator(self): return self._interpolator @property def T0(self): """ The start of the MET for the posthist """ return self._T0 @property def random_time(self): time = np.random.uniform(0, self._maximum_time) self._used_times.append(time) return time
[docs] def met(self, time): """ Get the MET of the time relative time :param time: :returns: :rtype: """ return self._interpolator.met(time)
gbm_orbit = GBMOrbit()