Source code for cosmogrb.sampler.background

import h5py
import numpy as np
import numba as nb

import logging
import coloredlogs
import cosmogrb.utils.logging

from cosmogrb.utils.numba_array import VectorFloat64

from .sampler import Sampler

logger = logging.getLogger("cosmogrb.background")

[docs]@nb.njit(fastmath=True) def background_poisson_generator(tstart, tstop, rate): """ :param tstart: :param tstop: :param rate: :returns: :rtype: """ fmax = rate time = tstart arrival_times = VectorFloat64(0) arrival_times.append(time) while True: time = time - (1.0 / fmax) * np.log(np.random.rand()) if time > tstop: break test = np.random.rand() p_test = rate / fmax if test <= p_test: arrival_times.append(time) return arrival_times.arr
[docs]class BackgroundSpectrumTemplate(object): def __init__(self, counts, start_at_one=False): """ A background template stores and samples from a predefined background distribution :param counts: :returns: :rtype: """ self._counts = counts j = 0 if start_at_one: j = 1 self._channels = [i + j for i in range(len(counts))] self._normalize_counts() def _normalize_counts(self): """ get weights by normalizing the counts :returns: :rtype: """ self._weights = self._counts / self._counts.sum()
[docs] def sample_channel(self, size=None): """ Sample from the background template :param size: :returns: :rtype: """ np.random.seed() # sample a channel from the background return np.random.choice(self._channels, size=size, p=self._weights)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name, start_at_one=False): """ Read the counts from a HDF5 file that has a dataset in its top directory called counts :param cls: :param file_name: :returns: :rtype: """ with h5py.File(file_name, "r") as f: counts = f["counts"][()] return cls(counts, start_at_one)
[docs]class Background(Sampler): def __init__( self, tstart, tstop, average_rate=1000, background_spectrum_template=None ): # TODO: change this as it is currently stupid self._background_rate = np.random.normal(average_rate, 10) self._background_spectrum_template = background_spectrum_template logger.debug(f"background rate is {self._background_rate}") super(Background, self).__init__( tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, )
[docs] def sample_times(self): """ sample the background times :returns: :rtype: """ np.random.seed() background_times = background_poisson_generator( self._tstart, self._tstop, self._background_rate ) logger.debug(f"created {len(background_times)} background counts") return background_times
[docs] def sample_channel(self, size=None): """ Sample the background template. Other options do not exist yet :param size: :returns: :rtype: """ np.random.seed() if self._background_spectrum_template is not None: return self._background_spectrum_template.sample_channel(size=size) else: raise NotImplementedError()